Fu Sun Engineering Limited is a privately owned company, registered in Hong Kong. Our company has been established since 1984 and was named Kaneyama Trading Company Limited previously. The company specializes in sales and marketing on lighting, lamps bulbs and fluorescent tubes. We are the authorized agent of TOSHIBA Lighting and Technology Corporation in Hong Kong, Macau and China.
We are based in Hong Kong, over years of development with our all-rounded sales strategy and diversified comprehensive package, we have built up a good sales network and maintain good Guanxi with our customers. Many hotels, retail chain, restaurants, hospital have choose to use TOSHIBA lighting products in China and Hong Kong.
Through years of experience in China, we have a well established network of Business Partners in Guangdong area. And with the growing of China, we will continuously to explore the market.
Our mission is to provide the highest services level to our customers, in order to build and maintain a trustworthy and long lasting relationship.
Should there be any inquires, please feel free to contact us by e-mail enquiry@fusun-toshiba.com. We are always of service with you.
富新工程有限公司 自1984年在香港成立,前身為“金山貿易行”一 直致力從事銷售光源系列產品及其他配套產品,可謂業務多元化。
自 公司成立以來,我們本著“扎根香港、背靠中華、面向海外”為核心發展策略並以全方位式之銷售策略引入不同市場。憑借多年來累積的經驗及積極進取,以及多元 化產品配套服務,成功地建立良好的客戶網絡。單以工業市場為例,直至現時為止,超過百份之九十香港工廠在香港或國內生產優質緊急照明燈亦曾選用本公司代理 日本東芝牌光管及東芝旗下之東暉牌光源產品。除此之外,在工程項目方面及民用市場方面亦成績優異,當中客戶包括:香港房屋協會、香港政府物料供應署、快餐連鎖店、時 裝連鎖店、酒樓、各大酒店、醫院、燈飾店及零售批發商店等等......
另外,抓緊內地 經濟快速發展的機遇,及積極開拓海外的合作。在日本東芝照明 公司之支持下,富新工程有限公司成為了中、港、澳之授 權代理商。近年本公司迅速地建 立起國內之民用市場銷售網路,目前之銷售遍佈廣東省一帶,並且有計劃遂步擴闊版圖。在海外市場方面等業務已經與美國、韓國、日本以及東南亞多個國家及地區 的客戶保持著良好的合作關係。
本公司本著以真誠和實力廣交朋友,開拓合作領域和業務渠道,藉此贏得了廣大 客戶的信賴。